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Great Mycenae is the kingdom of mythical Agamemnon, first sung by Homer in his epics, is the most important and richest palatial centre of the Late Bronze Age in Greece. The name was given to one of the greatest civilizations of Greek Ancient history. The Mycenaean and the myths associated with their history crossed the centuries, from the Homeric epics and the great tragedies of the classical period, while inspired and continue to inspire the world intellectual creation and art. The mythical tradition considered Perseus to be the founder of Mycenae, son of Zeus and Danae. Ancient manuscripts report that Perseus named the new city Mycenae because his sword fell there or because a source of plenty water was revealed a source with plenty of water.

Mycenae was founded between two tall conical hills, the Prophet Elias (805 m. Sarah (660 m.). On a hill, this was dominating the plain of Argolida and was in control of land and sea communications. The earliest human activity in the area is documented by few remains due to subsequent construction phases and dates back to the 7th millennium BC, during the Neolithic era. The habitation was continuous until historical times, but most sites, which are visible today, belong to the period of prosperity of the area, the Late Bronze Age, between 1350 and 1200 BC.  

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